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Lodi Unified School District

Library Payment Center

Pay textbook, library book, and Chromebook fees online.

Use the form below to pay online for textbook, library book, and Chromebook fees.


Pay textbook, library book, and Chromebook fees online

Use this form to pay online for:

  • Chromebook Care Plan purchases
  • Chromebook repair or replacement fees
  • Lost or damaged library books
  • Lost or damaged textbooks

Please provide valid student ID, student name, and school. Incorrect or insufficient information may cause processing delays to your student's account.

Please provide your email address for submission confirmation.
Please enter your student's ID number. (Must contain only numbers)
Student Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Please select your student's school of attendance.
Payment Type(s)requiredPlease select up to 2 choices
Please select up to 2 choices
Confirmation of Agreement
Does your student have a Chromebook Care Plan Voucher? (Vouchers are sent to student email addresses.)required
Please enter the Chromebook Care Plan voucher number sent to your student's email.
Repair/Replacement Type


Payment will be applied to Chromebook Care Plan first (if applicable), then to remaining fees.
Please allow up to 10 business days for the payment to post to your student's account.

Payment Information

Please complete captcha below to proceed to payment selection.

Please select a payment typerequired
Billing Addressrequired
Cardholder Namerequired

Contact Us

For assistance with library or Chromebook payments, please contact your school.