
Lodi USD has partnered with ThoughtExchange to improve the District's collection of feedback on key issues. ThoughtExchange uses a unique process for collecting input in a way that is convenient for stakeholders and then analyzes the data to determine common themes and priorities for those stakeholders.

The ThoughtExchange process has three simple steps:

  1. SHARE: Participants will be invited to participate in the process. If they accept the invitation, they will be given background information and then asked to answer open-ended questionings regarding the main topic. They may share as many thoughts as they'd like in response to each question. Participants will remain anonymous but thoughts later will be shared publicly.
  2. STAR: Participants will be invited to review their thoughts and those of others before being asked to "star" ideas that resonate with them the most.
  3. DISCOVER: The results of the "star" ranking process will be analyzed to identify common themes and public ideas. A public report will be prepared that anonymously lays out all shared thoughts and the results of the "star" ranking process.

Each ThoughtExchange process will be conducted in both English and Spanish. 

Lodi USD ThoughtExchanges 2021-22


Lodi USD conducted a Rebranding ThoughtExchange to receive input on what images or phrases would best encompass and represent our District as a whole. This information will be used to help us develop a new District logo and other rebranding efforts. See the results here.

Lodi USD ThoughtExchanges 2020-21

American Rescue Plan ThoughtExchange

Lodi USD conducted a ThoughtExchange to receive input in the development of thr ESSER III Expenditure Plan. The ThoughtExchange closed on Friday, September 10, 2021. See the results here.

2020-21 School Year THoughtexchange

Lodi USD conducted a ThoughtExchange to receive feedback regarding the start of the 2020-21 school year. See the results here!

Lodi USD ThoughtExchanges 2019-20

LCAP THoughtexchange

Lodi USD conducted a ThoughtExchange to receive feedback regarding the development of our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). We will use this input to develop our 2020-21 LCAP. To participate, please click here. To learn more about LCAP, please click here.

COMMUNICATIONS Thoughtexchange

Lodi USD conducted a ThoughtExchange to understand how our students, parents, staff, and community felt about our communication. We are using these thoughts to develop a strategic community and marketing plan for 2020-2023. See the results here!

Updated 12/02/2021